Tutorial 20: Duplicators Explained for After Effects Users

In this tutorial, I go over all the settings of a Duplicator in Cavalry software. I’m using Cavalry Pro v2.3.1. Some of the settings may change in the future.

Overall, I cover everything from Transform Properties (Position, Scale, Rotation etc) on Duplicator and Duplicated Shape level. I show a number of tips how to use different settings and what you can do with them.

Context Index

This is the most difficult concept to understand in Cavalry. Simply, everything has an index in Cavalry – shapes, layers, Duplicators, shapes inside Duplicators and so on. We can use this information to our advantage. For example, control how it flows through different set ups.

In this tutorial, I cover it in depth at the end of the video. I would suggest you visit Cavalry Context Index Doc’s page to learn more about this concept to understand it better. You may not use it every day, but it is good to be aware of it and how to modify it. It will make it easier dealing with more complex set ups, for sure.

Get Project File From Gumroad

This project file contains all the assets necessary to make animation in the tutorial in final form. Everything is labeled, linked, with expressions and ready to use, if you wish to make your own version or just play around with it.

If you have any suggestions for tutorials or how I can improve, please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you.

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2024-10-08T16:57:10+01:00October 8th, 2024|Uncategorised|
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